Maximise Parking Revenue
With the expected relief of lockdown restrictions in the coming weeks and the return to car park occupancy the TagMaster CS/JMS parking solution provides an ideal opportunity for parking operators to maximise their revenues and access accurate occupancy data.
The TagMaster hardware/software can be integrated into all car park scenarios:
- Pay On Exit (with barrier)
- Pay On Exit (free-flow)
- Pay by space (time purchase)
- Permit access
- White List Entry management
- Black List alerts
Counting – Real Time
The TagMaster JMS counting processor provides a user interface for monitoring and changing counting data.
Our onboard counting processor offers the following main functions:
- Detecting occupancy of each level* and the complete car park, divided by reserved spaces (monthly parker), not reserved spaces (transient parker), booked spaces and total spaces. (*MSCP or zoned parked areas - requires zone management deployment with optional additional TagMaster CS range ANPR cameras)
- Automatic entry blocking when the car park is full (used in conjunction with barrier)
- Automatic sign control (free / full) depending on the number of cars in the car park
- Automatic sign control depending on week, day, and time
- Manual change of the counters
- Manual blocking of reserved spaces, not reserved spaces or all spaces
- Manual sign control
- Use of threshold values to control signs and car park levels
- Retrieve parking facility car occupancy information (counter)
- Automatic email / sms alerts as defined by occupancy parameters set by operator.
- Direct data link to payment processing interface for controlled/applied variable tariff rates dependent on occupancy levels
Note: Count Systems realised via inductive traffic loops have certain limitations (e.g. detection of tail gating, illegal movements or non-traffic counts) due to technical reasons. These limitations have to be taken in to consideration when looking at the accuracy of a conventional counting system. Each false count has a potential impact on reduced revenue.
The TagMaster CS range ANPR camera solution coupled with the TagMaster JMS software back-office suite provides an ideal platform for parking operators to maximise their revenue and effectively manage their parking spaces.
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